Control Farming

Agriculture is one of the most important pillars of the Indian economy. But for the last couple of decades, the land for agriculture is decreasing as the population is being increased gradually. The supply for food is getting volatile year by year. To overcome such issues, TGIF has been adopting revolutionary technique of control farming of vegetable growth and cultivation.

For end consumer, we are growing different type of crops for vertical green House farming are Cucumbers, Chili, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Green Capsicum, Color Capsicum, Snack Peppers, Spinach, Melons, Sweet corn, Broccoli, Pumpkins, Garlic, Herbs, Squash, Kale, Zucchini, Strawberries, Lettuce, Raspberries, Mushrooms based on market demands round the year.

By adopting Control Farming different type of Innovative Technology suitable for Vine Crop Vegetable as well as Leafy vegetable is resulting to increasing Production, minimizing production Risk, maximizing Profit, Disease & Pest Prevention, year-Round Growing and Increased stability and security to satisfy end consumer.
